Hope you are in High Spirits and Good health when reading this post.
I am putting here the best of my learnings from leading TopologyPro from almost last 2 years (from a newborn Startup to a 2 years old Startup):
- Being Leader you need to demonstrate the TOUGHEST tasks yourself.
- Being Leader you need to be develop expertize in Front track acting and Back track singing BOTH because you own the complete movie and its results also.
- Being Leader you should be able to make your FELLOWMEN learn from you because your youngers are following your slightest move even.
- Being Leader you CANNOT COMPLAIN and if you do, you are then complaining your own creations.
- Being Leader you need to be in TOTAL CONTROL and if there was a miss somewhere just first excuse yourself, then quickly overcome the shortcoming ASAP.
- Being Leader you should be there to FILL ANY GAP if possibly there so you need to be master of the complete scene. In startup you don’t have enough funds to explore more talent of this world.
- Being Leader don’t start blaming to GOD, Religion, Elders, Environment, Education. It will not only waste your time and energy but will make your mindset a negative one. With negative Mind you cannot do positive Business. God is always supreme, send him sweet prayer (Just that’s enough)
Remember for a startup that you are creating something which was nowhere earlier !
Remember to Take Good Wishes of all the people you come across in your way !
Starting a Startup is a Total Life Changing Experience not only of you but all the people who are your near and dear ones !
Remember You are starting a very very long journey which will be a Lifelong if it turns a success, keep enjoying in the way.
“Always remember The Almighty”
He will surely show the Right Path even if you deeply stuck somewhere !
All the Best !
Sincerely Yours 🙂
Mudit Gupta
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