We know India is so big, any decision like this new Farmer Laws sort should have been taken state-wise and should be seen results in the pilot states first rather than to implement it Nation Wide on the one go.
Because new laws obviously bring new changes so must be done patiently where the results from the pilot states should be seen first and yes if it fits & brings profit for all then only should be implemented in phases later.
As Govt. no doubt is doing to bring profits for farmers and their independence and on other side farmers have some other concerns because of which the farmers are concerning so protesting.

image source: internet search
Because as of now (watching all this on social media) we being able to listen to both sides are not able to decide what is right and what is wrong at the moment BUT if it was done in phases then figures of this law as an experiment could have proven to be the best solution.
I being another citizen have sympathy for both My Govt. & My Countrymen also and would never appreciate any such misunderstanding between both. Because Govt. is also dear to me and our farmers due to whom we are able to eat delicious food are also our loved ones.
I request both of them to play wisely and peacefully in solving this matter.
Both Govt. & Farmers are our own
My sincere regards to Both our Govt. and our Farmers!
(Always for my readers