Principals are not fearless themselves

(Not to name anyone but in many cases I have seen myself) 

Even those Highly Qualified & Respectable Principals of schools & colleges…
who teach big lectures of fearlessness in their schools & colleges respectively & when they are said NO by their chairpersons for our educational products…

For our Educational Products please refer to TopologyEdu


I can see a Big number of fears in them & how they curse their financial powers & they wish they could start their own. Not one of them but many talented ones.

I hope you enjoy reading..

Always with Love in My Blog!


P.S – And those who have coached me are the ones whose institutes are now very big & they did not even care for their safe & secure govt. jobs that time.

When I cried?

Specially For Followers

You should Plan Accordingly
Go for The Founder Title it is like your education.
No one can snatch or steal this title even after your death & even if you have some bad days where you cannot perform good…
When you become so old by age factor that you cannot perform that good then you can hire another CEO by that time and even you can hire another Coach and all others.


Mudit Gupta

Founder, CEO & Coach – TopologyPro


P.S. – I also have many other titles mentioned in public profile on fb.

Who is Mudit Gupta


Read Who is Mudit Gupta here



Also based on:

I cried while reading his book in 2011 😭
and now seen all this practically in these 5 years

🐞 Bug Y2K

For Others
ना मिले फूल तो काँटों से दोस्ती करलो
If you don’t get Flowers make friendship with thorns

For Programmers
ना मिले प्रोग्राम तो बग से दोस्ती करलो
If you don’t get programs to write make friendship with bugs

एक बग के पास भी एक प्रोग्राम जितनी शक्ति है 🙏
Bug has the same powers to make you rich as much as a program




(Don’t Forget the Bug 20 Year Old Bug Y2K  & how it started its panic in 1999 almost these days) 🤩😎

A goldsmith’s hundred , blacksmith’s one.

सौ सुनार की एक लोहार की
English Proverb in Hindi : A goldsmith’s hundred , blacksmith’s one.

No.1 – You or your parents pay for your Education. But your skills pay you.
No.2 – Skills of better educated ones are always more valuable than the skills of a less educated persons.

But here is a case study

A person I know running a dairy selling milk & milk made products in India went to a doctor and was saying to his friends that doctor looted him charging a very amount of fees to make his body upright.
Now listen what doctor says – Ask the dairy person how much cheese he gives you for Rs. 80 i.e. One fourth of a kilogram

Just because he has skills to make cheese from milk & he is able to sell, the fact that he is is very less educated could not make him remain poor.
He has Skills.

Doctor has both education which is his degree in medicine & skill to make his patients upright.
He has Skills + Education

Now 3rd one I know is a pharma company owner whose medicine was prescribed to the patient
He has Skills + Education + Money + Human Resources

Everyone has their time frame to charge accordingly. Sometimes dairy person & sometimes doctor & sometimes the pharma company. All the cheese sold in year in one go.

This is what we call in Hindi –
सौ सुनार की एक लोहार की

Hammering by Goldsmith

Hammering by Goldsmith


Hammering by Blacksmith

Hammering by Blacksmith

A goldsmith’s hundred , blacksmith’s one.


Hope you are enjoying Reading…

Always with Lots of Love

Mudit Gupta

More Plants & Google Lens

Welcoming Some More Plants this week to my place …

From around 10-12 Years. I do not have any interest in Non Veg or Alcoholic Drinks, Same money I use for Getting Plants. If you Like you can also try.

No worries even if you do not know much today. You should have interest in Nature.

Also you can see if you do not know more about plant’s name then how you can see the name of any plant using Google Lens.(refer to 3rd picture)


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Cheers to 5 Years! 🎂

Today on this 23rd July! We Completed 5 Years of #TopologyPro officially 😊Today on this 23rd July! Thanks to God, Thanks to My Family & Friends, Thanks to my wife Vanita Gupta Thanks to My Parents. Thanks to my brothers & sisters. Thanks to my daughter. Thanks to my In Laws. Thanks to my team members, Thanks to my Partners, Thanks to my clients. Thanks to my vendors. Thanks to my advertisers. Thanks to Facebook Darling, Thanks to my Previous companies, managers & colleagues. Thanks to locations providers. Thanks to Amma. Thanks to my banks & Financers. Thanks to all Nations & their Governments.Thanks to my all Internet Providers. Thanks to my all associates. Thanks to readers on my blogs. Thanks to my Motivators. Thanks to my Astrologers.
Thanks to everyone who have participated in my life in these 5 years & that of #TopologyPro. It has always been so easy with all of you’s contribution. Thanks to Everyone. 🙏







God Mother

In my country… people are very loving. Those who love you love by heart 😘😘😘Usha Auntie in this picture is actually a God Mother(Daii Maa) registered baby delivery practitioner of her time. In her life she has always served humanity and handled 1000s of child birth cases and many in our family alone. This old lady is so sweet by heart and never any proud of helping so many babies to enter this world. I always try to take her blessings by sitting with my head in front on her because she knows life by very close and knows the startup of a life. Even she has helped many childless couples whom I know to become pregnant and to many have their desired gender of baby.


They are the real people on this earth. They don’t wear any crown but are very powerful. I bow them billions of time 🙏🙏🙏
#GodMother #RespectAlways #BlessedAlways #AwesomePeople#LoveWithNature




Thanks Lord Ganesha 🙏🙏🙏

Thanks to Lord Ganesha 🙏🙏🙏
& my Astrologer Friends @ our
I can read minds to a better extent. Can even hear what some never said. Started Recognizing the devil mind inside of some human 



Root cause of all is the Mind of a human. I have unnecessarily suffered a lot in my past less due to my own mistakes but more due to other people’s bad intentions in my career. As per my past experiences also It was must for me to understand this because generally I was more interested in the ones who said little & tried to spoil my work indirectly. Because I was not knowing what they are upto next moment/day. It is helping me in avoiding useless/ill willed persons, helping me closing sales because I can focus more on where it has more probability to get results. Letting me choose my battles to fight.

With the grace of God Me becoming something good like US Army, taking years to analyze & plan and then solving the matter in just a day 

Please God Bless us All 🙏
#MindReading #Reiki #MoreAware #LikeAstro #LoveWithNature