Good Sign !

I have been working under different titles from the start of my career starting as a Software Developer. And I have seen that the employee attrition has been the biggest factor on which the growth of the company depends. It is very important specially for a startup company that all its employees are utmost dedicated and committed at least for the initial 3 years of the company establishment. The more reliable your team member is the more the company will take the growth as fast.

I personally thank all of the team members of our company even those who are not presently with us and have put great efforts in the company’s works and projects.

90% of my team members come back to join our company as they say that they do not want to downgrade themselves by working under the leadership of another employee in other companies as they enjoy & learn more working in the leadership of the Director himself that is me in our company.

It is Good Sign for Our Company.


Sincerely Yours !


Right Naming and Phrasing

During my discussion with a paediatric doctor who is our client, one great thing I came to know from his mouth about his profession that Right Naming and Phrasing is the key to diagnosis. From there I just mapped his idea to be a best fit for any other profession. Actually this is why a big emphasis is given to vocabulary in the entrance exams of management studies. And if you are into analysis of any other field like my favorite IT then the same concept of right naming and phrasing also suits best as it’s all about right naming for the problem or the issue and same with the project management folks also.


Half the job is already done once you properly identify to right name and phrase the concept or any other part of it. Best of the communication is done with the right Keywords and on internet also the keywords sell hot like anything.

Most of the Problems of this world are solved if we start using RIGHT Name and RIGHT Phrase for any emotion or situation !

Sincerely Yours !


Why NO DND ?

Your number should be a non DND number if you wish you get calls from recruiters and companies for job postings !
If you wish to receive calls through job portals …You can make your number deactivate for DND by calling to 1909.

It is as per my own experience with



Sincerely Yours !
Mudiit Gupta


This post is as per my post on FaceBook

TestMindz – Easy Exams !

Recently we were revamping our great web application TestMindz – . We found that there were a lot of complexities earlier as a user point of view. We just adapted to an old phrase “KISS – Keep it Simple Stupid” and then we saw that there were a lot of ease introduced to the same after number of thoughts to this.

Testmindz provides innovative examination process and assessment solutions for Educational Institutions, Government/ PSU sectors and leading corporate entities. Through Testmindz, a team of leaders & innovators are constantly researching on making the examination process easy and simple.

It is a great Testing Tool which our clients always appreciate us for providing this to their institutes and corporates.

We at TopologyPro also make assure that we provide more certifications online through which the students can benefit in their career !


Your All time Favorite 🙂

Mudiit !

To know more about TestMindz :

TangoSMS – LifeTime Validity – SMS Service Unit of TopologyPro Company

At Tango SMS we provide this service of sending SMS to your contacts using the web interface through your user login from our website

These are International and National SMS and domestic within INDIA
We provide both Transactional SMS and Promotional SMS
Promotional SMS are programmed not be sent on Odd Timings as per instructions of TRAI in INDIA.
Usage count is updated on real time on your user panel at our website
SMS Short Code(Sender ID) related to your group name as per availability is also free with this service
Using our SMS facility with your login user you can send instant SMS and can also schedule SMS to any future date and time.
Each SMS Credit is of 160 Character Length
The Validity of the SMS is unlimited i.e. it has no expiry date to use these SMS and are valid for lifetime.

Also we provide the api of the SMS which you can use with your software. We will also help you doing that !

You can also test our facility from our website

With Text – Love 🙂


We acquired as we said in our facebook post


TopologyPro Brand looking for Franchise Partners

Congrats to Our Dedicated Team for bringing the franchise model @ Work . ‪#‎TopologyPro‬ Rocks !!

We are looking for Franchise Partners in these Expansion Locations :

Expansion Locations
North :New Delhi, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Uttaranchal
South :Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu
East :Assam, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Nagaland, West Bengal, Sikkim, Orissa
West :Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Goa
Center: Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand
Union Territories: Pondicherry, Chandigarh, Lakshadweep, Daman and Diu

TopologyPro Brand looking for Franchise Partners !

Come through Franchise India

or Just drop us a mail to

W3Start vs TopologyPro

There have been lot of questions from our fans about W3Start vs TopologyPro. Why when is already there for all our customers across the Globe.

Our simple answer is that TopologyPro LLC is still our parent company in USA but W3Start is Service unit of the company to Provide better customization services to our clients through a separate competent team which specifically caters to the advanced technology of providing the better customer experience. At W3Start when we say we love to code means that we always keep in mind to Go extra Miles to cater the needs of our clients as per their specific requirements and the designs which they ever thought could bring perfection to their websites.

We even said in one of our post in facebook that Innovation at its best at W3Start which means that we present you specific templates of the designs which are pre designed related to your domain of industry and from there further any customization we provide specific to your requirements. Focused approach through W3Start makes us serve you always better !

Looking forward to Serve our Global clients as the Kings of their country, we know them !


Bringing the Best in work to serve you !

Your All time favorite 🙂


Note : This was in response to the emails, likes and comments we received through our post in facebook:

Google Doodles

I was wondering that does Google – Proudly Our Favorite Search Engine keeps the collection of all the images which it shows on its home page  . The answer is Yes !

You can see all the previous images which are shown to you on the homepage of Google at this page . Our favorite Google stores all the memories of such images shown to its users in the name of doodles and it also keeps record of the date that image was being set.

It shows the current day doodle on the top and rest with their history on the same page and by scrolling the page we can get all the doodles which Google has been showing to us in the history.

I hope this was a good information which I found and I thought to share with you Guys !


With Love

From Your All time Favorite

Mudiit 🙂

InstitutePro – A Boon to Schools and Colleges

Let us say that we are studying in a school or college which is fully automated through the right ERP and LMS gives the students, parents an added advantage and give us the feel of technology for education in this new generation. ERP for education means a Platform where the all the activities of the schools and colleges are automated like attendance, fee from students, salary of staff, Library etc. And LMS is all about the learning content being available online for the ease of use by students and acronym for Learning Management System.

I have seen that through the recommendations of 250+ Principals and educationist  our InstitutePro has become such a stable product over the years where we have tried to generalize all  the needs of our school and college clients and we tried to put in for common use for all the Institutes.

We started this project in 2012 with the aim to provide the best of its kind with all such features to integrate the functioning of schools and colleges and we call  InstitutePro as our masterpiece software as a service by now. Our Satisfied clients our words of mouth which further introduce us new schools and colleges automatically.

The special dedicated team at TopologyPro is deployed for the R&D and support of InstitutePro which is aiming to make the new innovations which we bring down to our clients for their usage.

In case you are interested you can find more information on our website :


Passion ASAP

What about when you really meet your passion somehow as you may need to accomplish some other’s work with your own minds and hands in case of their absence. You are Curiously passionate about doing something but you must need to develop that trait with practice.

Sometimes I think that we carry on the things as a part of our duty but the passion is the things we do which we enjoy doing from the core of our hearts. The inner drive to accomplish that task or work with a happiest mindset is what the passion is !

Start doing it for fun at the first and then bring professionalism and later aim for perfection ! This is what all the passion is all about. Passion ASAP is the devotion and attachment of your innerself with the things and you see it differently than others and find the same thing as opportunity which others see merely a piece of another work.

Passion is a complete mindset rather than just a single state of mind…

Your all time favorite !

Mudiit Gupta