Category Archives: Life Style
Hero Destiny 125
Kanha Ji
Kanha Ji in a Beautiful Dress 🙏 He is king… He is lord.. He is emperor.. He is everywhere.
I like to do service under kanha ji who is the richest and powerful even more worth than Bill Gates and Jeff Bezoz…. And not under any humans who are themselves slaves in their corporates. Only a King can make you a King rest all are poor.
Jai Shri Krishna 🙏 Love you 😘😘
Kids gone wild
God Mother
In my country… people are very loving. Those who love you love by heart 😘😘😘Usha Auntie in this picture is actually a God Mother(Daii Maa) registered baby delivery practitioner of her time. In her life she has always served humanity and handled 1000s of child birth cases and many in our family alone. This old lady is so sweet by heart and never any proud of helping so many babies to enter this world. I always try to take her blessings by sitting with my head in front on her because she knows life by very close and knows the startup of a life. Even she has helped many childless couples whom I know to become pregnant and to many have their desired gender of baby.
They are the real people on this earth. They don’t wear any crown but are very powerful. I bow them billions of time 🙏🙏🙏
#GodMother #RespectAlways #BlessedAlways #AwesomePeople#LoveWithNature
Thanks Lord Ganesha 🙏🙏🙏
Thanks to Lord Ganesha 🙏🙏🙏
& my Astrologer Friends @ our
I can read minds to a better extent. Can even hear what some never said. Started Recognizing the devil mind inside of some human
Root cause of all is the Mind of a human. I have unnecessarily suffered a lot in my past less due to my own mistakes but more due to other people’s bad intentions in my career. As per my past experiences also It was must for me to understand this because generally I was more interested in the ones who said little & tried to spoil my work indirectly. Because I was not knowing what they are upto next moment/day. It is helping me in avoiding useless/ill willed persons, helping me closing sales because I can focus more on where it has more probability to get results. Letting me choose my battles to fight.
With the grace of God Me becoming something good like US Army, taking years to analyze & plan and then solving the matter in just a day
Please God Bless us All 🙏
#MindReading #Reiki #MoreAware #LikeAstro #LoveWithNature
Chamba Dhaba
Grown up will show you their problems only and will tell you bla bla stories of their own Hardships. Will make n number of comparisons and even make simple things as complex. Staying away from corporates is real life. Pay them what is their fees or salary but no personally. Very few with outer and inner smile at the same time.
Spend Max time with Kids only who are Pure at heart…Cute faces…Kids are futuristic…This is the secret of School Teachers to stay young Kids are so thankful if you even do small favors for them. I adopt this from them for rest of life. I am thankful for all my recent interactions(Last week) with the kids — Pranjal, Naisha, Alisha, Aarav, Aayan, Ishana, Rehaan. Love you so much 😘😘 They all filled me with more energy.
Please God bless us all 🙏
Pool Yoga
#PoolYoga to celebrate World Yoga Day(21st June) at home with kids 😊
#LoveWithNature #EnjoyingWeekend 🙏 #StayAwayfromNegativity #AvoidStressCausingPeople#HardKickOnAsswhomakeyoufeeldown #LiveWithFreedon#SayNotoMeetandTalkwithwhodonotdeserveyouronesecond#NewLifewithNoRubbishPeople #youhavefullrighttoenjoytoo