Yes, Don’t just go to earn a quickie, Research Well before You Start. The things seems to be very easy from far or top view like wise if you put your eyes from airplane. There is lot of abrasion when once you are actually into that. Make every possible PLAN. Again look for and think like a single miss in estimating could bring a havoc. Be positive but list out all the negatives well before you start so that you have enough details where your Plans can fail exactly like mitigation mentioned in the Risk Plan.
Yes develop that foresightedness even before you start thinking to take any step further. Of course if you have previous experiences in any other domain will help a lot to manage that but it is not the same case every where.
One has to be very SMART in everything right from the beginning. Develop that much level before you jump into the pool that you will safely come out without drowning.
For any query on the above, Feel free to get in touch with me at my email :
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