Hats off to Amazon

Recently you must have been seeing in our social media posts for the Amazon Products which we have been show casing on VanitaStyle.com and for a Good News we are now Amazon associates in India.

It was like a dream come true for the entire team where they wanted to see as Amazon associate and here we go…


We are thankful to Amazon for providing us a vast range of products on VanitaStyle.com

Hats off to Amazon !!! Fingers Crossed

Visit us at www.VanitaStyle.com

Our new social initiative on fb

Biggest Social Network
Facebook Group · 3,189 members
Join Group
Join this group to discuss on followings

1.Building network
2. Soft,business, technical and customer service skills
3. Challenges arising in Product sales and marketing
4.. Increasing sales and revenue
5. Global Growth opportunities
6. New Growth opportunities and technology discussions
7. Specialized consultation

Special message (Hindi)

My Special message for Startups/Students/Partners and anyone who wants to follow

मुझे ऐसा लगता है
आप के भी कुछ रिश्तेदार ऐसे होंगे जो आपका ध्यान आपकी त्रुटियों यानी कमियों पर डाल कर
आपके अपनों को आपसे दूर करना चाहे गे और आपको आपके लक्ष्य यानी करियर से दूर ले जाना चाहे गे

वो ऐसे हैं जिनका तो भगवान् भी भला नहीं सोचें गे
इसलिये आप भी मत सोचिये
क्यूंकि अगर आप ऐसा करते हैं तो आप उस उपरवाले के विरुद्ध में हैं और दूसरा आप अपना समय बर्बाद करते हैं


यही समय आप अपने कार्य की प्रगति में लगन के साथ लगाये

आप सोच रहे होंगे
निंदक नियरे रखिये ….etc. etc….
रखिये ज़रूर रखिये
पर सर पर नहीं 

Exploring VR development


VR is not new but it has come to very usefulness because of its use in applications and due to Smart phones in almost every hand it is now in its very popular stage.

What is VR?

It is acronym of Virtual Reality. For complete reference to the VR technology please do refer to this wikipedia link:


Can I experience VR?

Yes sure, why not. There are lot of apps of VR available these days in Play Store or Apple Store.

For Android phones follow this link:


What you need to explore VR for first time?

You will need a smartphone with VR features and a VR headphone to discover the VR by downloading the VR app of your choice.

What development platform to use as for first time?

Personally speaking I am finding a lot of potential in using Unity 3D


In TopologyPro we have also started looking at the things in VR using technologies from our Industry partners.  It looks great as it is very interesting to me as a technology to build applications upon and to my team as well.

Virtual Reality

Exploring Virtual Reality for our New Clients