W3Start vs TopologyPro

There have been lot of questions from our fans about W3Start vs TopologyPro. Why W3Start.com when TopologyPro.com is already there for all our customers across the Globe.

Our simple answer is that TopologyPro LLC is still our parent company in USA but W3Start is Service unit of the company to Provide better customization services to our clients through a separate competent team which specifically caters to the advanced technology of providing the better customer experience. At W3Start when we say we love to code means that we always keep in mind to Go extra Miles to cater the needs of our clients as per their specific requirements and the designs which they ever thought could bring perfection to their websites.

We even said in one of our post in facebook that Innovation at its best at W3Start which means that we present you specific templates of the designs which are pre designed related to your domain of industry and from there further any customization we provide specific to your requirements. Focused approach through W3Start makes us serve you always better !

Looking forward to Serve our Global clients as the Kings of their country, we know them !


Bringing the Best in work to serve you !

Your All time favorite 🙂


Note : This was in response to the emails, likes and comments we received through our post in facebook: https://www.facebook.com/topologypro/posts/1674974956105360

Google Doodles

I was wondering that does Google – Proudly Our Favorite Search Engine keeps the collection of all the images which it shows on its home page www.google.com  . The answer is Yes !

You can see all the previous images which are shown to you on the homepage of Google at this page https://www.google.com/doodles . Our favorite Google stores all the memories of such images shown to its users in the name of doodles and it also keeps record of the date that image was being set.

It shows the current day doodle on the top and rest with their history on the same page and by scrolling the page we can get all the doodles which Google has been showing to us in the history.

I hope this was a good information which I found and I thought to share with you Guys !


With Love

From Your All time Favorite

Mudiit 🙂

InstitutePro – A Boon to Schools and Colleges

Let us say that we are studying in a school or college which is fully automated through the right ERP and LMS gives the students, parents an added advantage and give us the feel of technology for education in this new generation. ERP for education means a Platform where the all the activities of the schools and colleges are automated like attendance, fee from students, salary of staff, Library etc. And LMS is all about the learning content being available online for the ease of use by students and acronym for Learning Management System.

I have seen that through the recommendations of 250+ Principals and educationist  our InstitutePro has become such a stable product over the years where we have tried to generalize all  the needs of our school and college clients and we tried to put in for common use for all the Institutes.

We started this project in 2012 with the aim to provide the best of its kind with all such features to integrate the functioning of schools and colleges and we call  InstitutePro as our masterpiece software as a service by now. Our Satisfied clients our words of mouth which further introduce us new schools and colleges automatically.

The special dedicated team at TopologyPro is deployed for the R&D and support of InstitutePro which is aiming to make the new innovations which we bring down to our clients for their usage.

In case you are interested you can find more information on our website : www.institutepro.com


Passion ASAP

What about when you really meet your passion somehow as you may need to accomplish some other’s work with your own minds and hands in case of their absence. You are Curiously passionate about doing something but you must need to develop that trait with practice.

Sometimes I think that we carry on the things as a part of our duty but the passion is the things we do which we enjoy doing from the core of our hearts. The inner drive to accomplish that task or work with a happiest mindset is what the passion is !

Start doing it for fun at the first and then bring professionalism and later aim for perfection ! This is what all the passion is all about. Passion ASAP is the devotion and attachment of your innerself with the things and you see it differently than others and find the same thing as opportunity which others see merely a piece of another work.

Passion is a complete mindset rather than just a single state of mind…

Your all time favorite !

Mudiit Gupta

Yahoo vs Facebook

Do you find the name Yahoo somewhat old fashioned and out of date ? Are you still using Yahoo Mails, Yahoo Messengers and other properties of Yahoo like you used in the Last of 90’s and start of 2000 ? What yahoo is doing these days?

There are many questions on the minds of many where did the name Yahoo went after so much success in its time . We all net savvy people were always using Yahoo Chats and Chat Rooms, I still remember we used to make new internet friends on Yahoo … It had a lot many users in USA, INDIA and other countries. Then why suddenly we went off from Yahoo. Does Yahoo do not know the name of Social Media ? I think they were the first with messengers which was a fantastic Social Media. Free Emails was heavily in demand from yahoo domain and they were provided with great ease of use in web. Gmail came later in the picture and swiped all yahoo email accounts.

Yahoo was a pioneer once at his times in innovating the things with greater user experiences like yahoo weather, yahoo finance. Their concept of the things was a Great Hit at that times. Facebook not only defeated Yahoo, Orkut but at the moments is the leading Website with some biggest record of Internet Traffic.

I really miss some of the Great Times we had with our friends on Yahoo and Orkut. Some never turned back to our friend list circle in new facebook age.

But Still what Next always the questions in the minds of millions like us that will Facebook come in slow demand sometimes later like Yahoo ? May some organizations planning a lot more better and interesting experiences which will take all the internet mob away from facebook to a very new platform. As per my view now the stage has come with ever increasing billions and billions of internet users where the technology things are much more complex than ever before.

Lets Hope for the Best Future of Technology 🙂

Sit Properly !

Let us talk about the health of the modern day professionals and users of the PC’s, Laptops, Smart Phones. Though not in one day but with passage of time the human body gets fatigue of using the devices for work. The cervical problem is common these days ranging from its severity and from person to person. Stressed out muscles and bones due to over usage of the devices makes the body prone to such problems. As I have been into this problem recently I would like to suggest you the following :

  1. Consult speaciality Doctor on Time
  2. Take Breaks in your work and don’t sit continuously on your seat
  3. Make morning routines of walk and exercises as suggested by the physician
  4. Avoid Pillow as per your doctor prescribes it.
  5. Don’t start doing self medication unless it’s just for first aid things.

Eat healthy food and Make healthy habits.

Also I have seen many times that mind cleansing through proper meditation also helps in keeping the Body Fit.

Stay Happy and Blessed 🙂

My own experiences

My own experiences 🙂

1) Anger should be in words & never in heart so quickly forget the mistakes of others and forgive everyone. Being at peace is the ultimate goal.

2) Thinking is different from tension because in thinking you apply your mind and even do self talk in mind but in tension your mind does not work and you stop thinking and the buzzword overthinking means the exaggeration when they write not to indulge in.

3) Keeping cool even when all things go against you is only possible when you start focusing on the solution finding rather than complaining about the problem

4) One -ve thought attracts many other -ve thoughts. Best is to avoid them.

5) Nothing is perfect and its never ideal time so don’t delay your happiness in the wait for everything to be just perfect

6) Expect the unexpected and be ready to deal the situations as they arise.

7) Music is for making your self calm, happy etc. and even its overdose is pollution to mind.

8) To make a mark you need no marker , Hit the minds of the people and you can unlock the entry doors.

9) Keep on learning. Even from a child you learn many things. Do filter out the things with cross questioning on the subject which will further make the learning as more interesting.

10) Speak out your Mind. This way you are training yourself for more concentration and more focus of mind.

11) Don’t Mind anyone’s words , they were given diapers only when they arrived this planet.

12) You are true upto what you can truly justify yourself.

13) Be kind and generous but not at the cost of your health.

14) Presence of mind is more important than being intellect

15) No road is straight. There may be many curves and even blinds.

16) Try to Talk to God directly. He is the only unbiased. He do listens directly but answers indirectly.

Necessity of a Mentor is like O2 to Life

When we consider to crossover tough passages in the professional world whether it be your Business, Technology or any xyz Profession, the importance of a mentor is high on the highway roads of your career. Choosing a right mentor, right from the beginning proves to be the best ever relation with any human who throws light at your good and your bad.  Mentor at odd situations is like a doctor of that situation who pulls you out from the darkness and if not the full path but at least the indication towards the right way-out so you should keep him aware of the true current level at what you are. Motivation is also a two way job like when you show confidence in your mentor then he also (if he’s right mentor) will prove his worth. Imagine someone saves your effort so he saves your time in which you reach your destination and the positivity you get with his involvement will make the journey very interesting. Who cares if you see the darkness ahead but Real Mentor elevates your Spirits! And he does this by putting his lifetime experiences into use in your case. Actually starting from your childhood you get natural mentors like your parents, your elder brother and sisters, then your teachers. But at professional level when you see the corporate world where each one of its member is doing for his own survival and to prove himself the fittest then believe me there is scarcity of Mentors who actually say “Yes Am there for you”.  You do deserve O2!!

For all my readers who would like me and my team to Mentor them, please email me to email id O2@topologypro.com and from there we will take forward.

Magic of Love with your Company

Mostly I listen during the interviews with candidates about the complaints of their profession and their companies, I do listen them speaking about the negative feed backs they give me about their current company, but do you think they are able to impress me even when they speak wrong about my competitors? My Answer is NO .

The simple tests at my level which I take for the candidates is to check their psychometric and their metal for the loyalty towards my company. It hardly matters to me if they are the most talented or even the most skillful BUT all that matters to me is their endurance from the time they join and able to commit their values which they have formed since their Childhood to now, the schooling they did, the life stream they carry and the most important the image they carry for them selves.

Magic of Love with your company may be any ex-employer is that you radiate a positive energy in the atmosphere and your surroundings, you carry a whole world which forms a TRUST factor in you and the person you deal with. The softness at heart even at any position in your company is of more worth than even the last performance you gave.

For Computing we need LOGIC but We all are humans so we must believe in the MAGIC of Love which is natural giver of abundance !!


Business compulsorily needs IT Expertise

Yes, Running a business in today’s competitive world absolutely needs the advantage of its integration to IT. Whether it may be IT of any form like ERP,CRM and even the Social Media etc.

The Business never grows in isolation, it depends upon the depth of its reach to the persons who gets the advantage and usage of the product or services of that Business. IT helps in increasing the depth of Business’ reach and of course it’s manageability. All the major Big Business are depending upon IT and not the less even the smallest one are taking the advantage of IT to grow.

Business and IT are now being the best friends helping each other to grow. In any domain or in any Industry the IT departments are now working as if a sub Business in itself serving the main.

Sooner the growth of the Business is realized to be dependent upon the relevant IT, the better it is.

For any query on the above, Feel free to get in touch with me at my email : mudit.gupta@topologypro.com