Yes… Drivers are Leaders & Leaders are Drivers

No role is low or high, I will tell you a reason. We all know about Krishna ji Maharaj is a God, Almighty. He was Sarthi meaning driver of a chariot in Mahabharata. The war was not possible to win even by Pandavas in case he do not take the control.

The point is his role was of Driver only But did he ever went down from His position of being The Supreme ? No rather it was considered as a matter of confidence for the Pandavas and as their single biggest point of their Win, which we must call due to his foresightedness or blessings what we call.


We humans may be not even his dust particles, but see the things like Him as leader that without having him as a warrior Himself he made the victory in favor of those who’s driver he was.

And now lets suppose after wining the War game Pandavas forget this & they start blaming Krishna for not having their Better Win in n number of terms would entirely be very rude on their part & will Krishna ever will become their driver again? I think He will never.

Although humans but same is true with other leaders like Modiji driving the Indian Nation, Obama earlier in US and now Mr. Trump. So true that they actually need listen their praises often so that they come to know that they are actually doing good because sometimes they are so busy in doing good that they need to be told that they are doing good & also they can even plan for better as after listening praise they can count it as their milestone in the direction of their doing good.

Everything matters a lot including each word you say or write in handling any situation regardless of your position or role you play.

& Yes the human drivers take their time wearing their own seat belts (safety first) or having cold drinks or breaks (to keep themselves alert) on their way.

Go Anywhere in this world
Either You should be a Driver yourself
You need a Driver for you 🙏

You can also write & become fuel for your own startup!

A Very Happy Ganesha Chaturthi

Ganesh Chaturthi 2019

Wishing 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊

A Very Happy Ganesha Chaturthi 

to all my friends & family

Those who know me they bless me very much… 
Like our Maharaj Ganesh Ji 🙏
20 Years ago IN 1999… He made me #IBM Certified Application developer even before I got formal education as bachelors of technology in computer science.

Today on this Big Day in 2019… He blessed my company #TopologyPro 

with #ISO Certification


Billion Thanks 🙏🙏

Mudit Gupta

Appeal – शब्द कन्या दान 🚫 ( हिन्दू रीती रिवाज़ )


मैं हमेशां मोदीजी को एक व्यक्ति के रूप में
और एक क्रन्तिकारी देश सेवक के रूप में 
हमेशां बहुत ज़्यादा पसंद करता हूँ

हम सब मोदी जी की सर्कार 2014 में आने के बाद
बहुत से पॉजिटिव बदलाव
भी रोज़ाना महसूस करते हैं

मसलन तीन तलाक का हटना
दिव्यांग शब्द का प्रयोग
और कई अनेकों

मालूम नहीं यह बात किसी को सही लगे ना लगे
जिसके लिए मैं माफ़ी चाहता हूँ
पर इस मुदित को
एक शब्द सही नहीं लगता
जो की एक लड़की की शादी यां मंडप के समय
आज तक सभी यही कहते आये हैं
जिसमें से पंडितों और एक लड़की के माता पिता
को अधिक इस्तेमाल करना पड़ता है
वो शब्द है ****कन्या दान****

आप खुद्द ही समझ लो
कन्या कोई वस्तु थोड़ी ना है ?
हीरे दान
मोती दान
वस्त्र दान
अन्न दान
इतियादी इतियादी शब्द तो अच्छे लगते हैं सुनने में
पर “कन्या दान” का क्या मतलब 🚫
हालाँकि इस को एक बहुत बड़ा दान माना जाता रहा है
पर इससे कन्या का मायने एक वस्तु सा लगता है
और इसी एक शब्द से मानो की
विवाह जैसे एक पवित्र बंधन को एक छोटा कर दिया जाता है
और तो और
इस में दान शब्द के प्रयोग से उंच नीच का भेद भाव सा भी प्रतीत होता है
वैसे भी यह शब्द एक उदासीनता, बेबसी से भरा लगता है

मोदी जी की मन्न की बात से प्रेरित
यह एक मेरे मन्न की बात थी
जो मैने फेसबुक की जरिए
सब मित्रो तक पंहुचा दी….

एक बार ज़रूर सोचना इस बारे में
और अच्छी लगे तो कोई अन्य नाम बताना

एक बदलाव यह भी सही बदलते देश के नाम 🙏



I hope you will get best of my writing Always!

Mudit Gupta
“Any Day without expression is a day wasted”

P.s – Thanks to my so cooperative other management team members as because of them I can afford this much of time every-week to express myself also @

नियाने & सियाने

आज की कक्षा बहुत ख़ास है …..ज़रा गौर से

**********नियाने & सियाने************

Q: किसी ने पूछा नियाने कैसे होते हैं ? (नियाने = Kids in Punjabi)
Simple Answer::
जब एकीस(21) की उम्र बाद सिर्फ एक ही से पाला पड़े !!

Q: किसी ने पूछा सियाने कैसे होते हैं ?
Simple Answer::
जब 36 की उम्र बाद 3600 से पाला पड़े !!




I hope you enjoy reading


We will miss Arun Jaitley Ji

Arun Jaitely ji was a Great Person for making best reforms in National Financial system in India..his health was not good from almost a year… So maybe he himself choosed this big day of Krishna Janamashtmi as his last day on his trip to earth. This will always remind us that he was Lord Krishna’s sent person. We all will Miss him 😪


Arun Jaitley Ji departed earth today at 66 years of his age: Veteran BJP leader and former Finance Minister


My Tributes for Arun Jaitley Ji

Favorite Speech

I Love My Country INDIA..

In matters of Money….

Specially when
I Love Modi Ji’s Speech…
Then Really my heart melts
seeing his wonderful efforts
as I try to learn a lot from him

Only Then I feel good even paying interest to National Banks

(Otherwise those banks who charge high interest seems like robbing my day & night hard earned penny)

Just because of him(Modi Ji) as he delivers Value.
It seems that we as Indians are nearing somewhere to Excellence!

Today’s Speech of MODI JI was super duper in Paris!

Mudit Gupta

For Full Speech of Modi Ji…