Everyone is suffering in one or the other way. Industries which are suffering the most:
Immigration Agents, Visa Services
Tours & Tourism, Events & Holidays
IT Services – Limited Services
Religious Services
Malls & Shopping Centers
Impex- Imports & Exports
Education – Schools & Institutes
Online shopping due to low shipping, packaging and delivery
Based on News, Internet study & emails in Inbox announcing that my vendors will be providing lesser services due to this pandemic.
So what left is – Health Industry. That is also not good as people are avoiding going to hospitals & clinics because of the pandemic and fear that they can catch the virus if anyone present there with it. Pharmaceuticals already loosing trust as till now they are not able to find a solid medicine/vaccine of this virus.
I have seen in many videos and they are right when they say that Normal Cold cough is not Corona Virus. No need to worry for that and even your family doctor would be good enough to cure you for that.

Medical Testing being done on arrival to India. Image source : Internet
India is quite safe comparative to other countries because of many good measures of Indian government as we keep on listening that people including celebrities like Anoop jalota are being kept in isolation when they are coming after travel from other countries. Also there is vast level of awareness created by the social media – facebook, whatsapp, mobile pre feed messages, TV shows. The only thing to be worried about is the news of some people who run away from Isolation wards after being diagnosed with the virus and the population in India because it can spread fast otherwise due to foolishness of those who run away. Otherwise people India as I earlier talk about are with good eating habits and we all believe in self hygiene like taking bath & daily prayers, preferring fresh foods only.
Also I have seen some people of India claiming in facebook that they have medicine of virus but they are not telling it publicly, actually they must be keeping it in secret because they may not be the qualified doctors or researchers, but as per me they should be given chance because you never know if even 1% they are right and if it works could save everything for human life.
I hope you enjoy reading!
Take Cares.. Avoid Travelling, Wash Hands & Face
Namaste 🙏
Mudit Gupta